500px :: A Source of Inspiration — iWally Photography


Taylor Wallace or iWally Photography is known for capturing amazing emotion and energy during concerts, weddings, studio, portraits and more!

500px :: A Source of Inspiration

Watch out Flickr, Photobucket and even Facebook! This fairly new website called 500px is changing the game of how professional photographers post/share their work.  The lay out and concept are pretty simple yet perfect in so many ways. Like other platforms, users can "Like/Dislike" images, as well as leave comments.  Another cool option is being able to see what was used to take the shot and which settings.  Some choose to keep this info hidden but most photos you can see the camera, lens, focal length, shutter speed, aperture and ISO chosen by the photographer.

The website leaves me both amazed and inspired yet humbled all at the same time. The "Popular" and "Editors' Choice" sections are constantly changing and updating viewers daily. Check it out for youself and give my page a look too if you get a chance..

If you have any other sites or places where you draw inspiration from, whatever kind of art it may be, leave a link in the comment section below. Inspiration can be a powerful thing!

Pictured above: My Profile on 500px