STS9 at the Fox Theater (Atlanta) - TOP 20 SLIDESHOW
Fall 2012
STS9 opted for 2 fall nights at the Fabulous Fox Theater this year instead of returning for another NYE run at the Tabby. Personally I was not mad about this since I have always wanted to see and shoot this band in this venue. I didn't even realize when first signing up for the job that this was the first time I had shot professionally in the Fox Theater and there was so much I wanted to capture! I knew I had to get a lens wide enough to catch the blue sky and star lit ceiling while also catching the amazing architecture all through out the building. STS9 came perpared too with their "Great Cycle Spectacles" tour rig and stage set up. Check out my Top 20 photos from these 2 nights in late October right here in a slideshow format.